
Pacheco KA Silver champion junior colts owned by Knocke arabians Magnola KA Bronze champion senior mare owned by Flaxman Arabians

We would like to thank our clients that supported us during our Dubai experiance. A Vision MI Gold Champion Junior filly owned by Al Zobair Stud Pepita Gold Champion Senior Mare owned by Akmal Stud EKS Farajj Silver Champion Junior Colt showing for Al Khashab Stud ES Sarab Class winner 7 to 10 year old Stallions

Congratulations to all our clients and friends on a great Sharjah 2019 Show! Many thanks for the confidence, to our amazing team at home and abroad, to everybody who made this success possible Next stop Dubai! #schoukenstrainingcenter #stcgoesdubai ⚜️A Vision MI Gold Champion Filly owned by AlBidayer stud ⚜️Pepita Gold Champion Mare owned by Akmal Stud ⚜️EKS Farajj Silver Champion Colt for Al Khashab stud ⚜️Toflah Al Zobair Bronze Champion Yearling Filly owned by Al Zobair Stud ⚜️ES Saraab Bronze Champion Stallion @ United Arab Emirates Many thanks to Claire Reigneaud, Alessio Azzali and ZAD Global for the beautiful pictures!

Good moments need a selfie... Al Nasser Stud results for the Qatar international show, 6 horses showed, 4 medals. Munefa Al Nasser silver champion yearling filly. Hattan Al Nasser silver champion junior filly. Badi Athbah gold champion junior colt. Bshaier Al Nasser bronze champion mare. Up to the Egyptian show starting tomorrow... Thank you @alesazz for the great pictures Al Nasser stud @hendrikmens @malenenygreen

Finishing up a very successful week for Al Nasser stud at the Peninsula show Qatar, 5 horses showed and 4 medals. Reema Al Nasser silver champion yearling filly. Bahriyah Al Nasser bronze champion yearling filly. Shaman Al Nasser unanimous gold champion yearling colt. Nadrah Al Nasser gold champion junior filly. For El Alya Stud Gold champion senior mare Noor Al Rayan Photos by @hhphotographyanddesign

Toflah Al Zobair, Gold Champion Yearling Filly Melih Al Zobair, Bronze Champion Yearling Colt Star Of Al Zobair, Silver Champion Senior Mare D Mashji, Silver Champion Junior Colt D Al Hareth, Bronze Champion Senior Stallion Congratulations to all the owners and breeders! Many thanks to @alesazz for capturing the moments.

Congratulation to our friends at Al Khashab Stud with there great results at the 2018 Kuwait Nationals! Thank you so much for your continuous support of STC! TM Galileah Gold Champion Junior Filly Shakar Pegasus Gold Champion Senior Stallion Amanda Pegasus Silver Champion Mare Cap Bianca Bronze Champion Senior Mare

Salwa Al Zobair Gold Champion Senior Mare Rouwayah Al Zobair Silver Champion Yearling Filly Aajilah Al Zobair Bronze Champion Junior Filly Fakhr Al Zobair Bronze Champion Junior Colt Suhail Al Zobair Silver Champion Senior Stallion

Hattan Al Nasser Silver champion junior filly Bshaier Al Nasser silver champion senior mare Badieah Al Nasser bronze champion junior colt Gazwan Al Nasser silver champion senior stallion Arwa Al Nasser class winner yearling filly Nadra Al Nasser class winner 2 year old filly

Anood Al Nasser Gold Champion Senior mare highest scoring female of the show owned by Akmal Stud ES Sarab Class winner senior stallion best headwinner and all over top ten senior stallions AV Purple Rain top ten Yearling filly owned by Bin Hamila Stud Silhouette AS top ten yearling filly owned by Sea Horse BVBA & Knocke Arabians A Vision MI top ten junior filly owned by AlBidayer Stud Rshediah Alkashab top ten junior filly owned by Al Kashab Stud Loulou Al Nasser top ten junior filly owned by Al Nasser Stud Sinmar AlBidayer top ten yearling colts owned by AlBidayer Stud Royal Asad Top ten junior colts owned by Royal Arabians Bint Hazy Al Khalediah top ten senior mare owned by Al Kashab Stud